Rainbow Musings

Say Hello to the Class of 2019!
May 30, 2018
The November 1st Early Action and Early Decision college application deadlines are over and the regular application deadlines are fast approaching! So we’d like to take a moment to reflect back upon this past year’s college admissions season and share a few anecdotes, insights, tips, and transformations experienced by several of the amazing seniors (now college freshmen) as well as transfer student or two who we were privileged to mentor through their own personally-tailored, impactful, eye-opening college application process.

4 Game Changing Ideas For an Epic Summer
March 30, 2018
So, you’re almost done with another school year. Congratulations! We’re sure it was nothing but hard work and determination that has gotten you here. Naturally, the first inclination is to throw your books in the air and not think about school again until late August. That, however, may not be the most prudent move. Yes, you absolutely deserve a break, but there is some truth to the old expression “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” Though your brain is not a muscle, studies show that in many ways it works just like one. Meaning, that just like a muscle, if not given exercise, it will get weaker. So turning your brain off for the next few months and switching it back on the first day of school may not be the best course of action. You don’t want to fall behind at the start of the next school year, so here are some ways to stay intellectually productive over the summer.

The College Acceptance Chronicles: a Rainbow Alum’s Journey
February 28, 2015
After pursuing rigorous undergraduate degree programs at both Wellesley College and USC, one of our students sought admission to some of the most selective and impactful MBA graduate programs in the country. Our student, Sarah Ifrah, found her business school admissions process eye-opening, transformative, challenging, and rewarding. Sarah was happy to share her story with the Rainbow family, providing us with a generous and illuminating interview about her process. See below for her unique insights, personally-tailored preparation experiences, key observations, bold choices, and advice for other students seeking admissions to their dream schools.

Stop the Cycle of Self Comparison
December 23, 2014
There are many times in any student’s life when it may be tempting to fall into the dark cycle of comparing oneself to others: that fateful moment when graded exams are handed back in class, during tryouts for athletic teams or stage productions, when early decisions from colleges start rolling in, when ISEE scores come out, or homecoming nominations present themselves, etc.

The College Acceptance Chronicles: How Does One Get Into Emory?
November 12, 2014
It is no secret that applying to college entails a considerable amount of hard work. With all of the research, supplemental essays, school visits, networking, naviance surveys, and testing, the process can seem like taking on a full-time job.

5 Ways Parents Can Make The Most of Their Students’ First Year Away At College
August 12, 2014
Your students’ college courses have been selected, the extra long bed sheets for the dorm have been purchased, the car is packed, and off they go! For many parents the last 18 years have been about teaching and preparing their children for this very moment.