“Entering the daunting college process this year with my senior was intimidating and scary for me, because, like any parent, I wanted to give my child the best opportunity for her future. REC really took their time covering every aspect of the college application process. Cindy really motivated and encouraged my daughter to explore places and ideas she had never tread before. Carmen got a 1520 on her very first go at the SAT after a few sessions of SAT Prep with one of their amazing educators. These are Carmen’s college admissions wins thanks to Cindy and her amazing team of REC educators: UCLA with the prestigious, full-tuition Regents Scholarship; UC Berkeley (Cal)with $30,000 annually in merit aid; Vassar College; Northeastern with a huge merit-based scholarship; UC Santa Barbara; UC Davis; San Diego Statue University (SDSU) Honors College; University of Colorado Denver for Psychology; CAL POLY Pomona; CAL POLY SLO Deciding on Rainbow EDU was the BEST decision I made for my teens! We are forever grateful”